Thursday, December 2, 2010

Hello end of the week :) hello snow!

Finally tommorw is friday!
It's SNOWING the winter is sooooo pretty, I was going for my evening walk and christmas lights just make it so much better!
Today I went to school..ta da!
Seriously though we are doing Hamel in English and I love it, is he pretending to be mad or is he really mad!
Sociology we started abuse in families and tomorrow we are watching movies on it, the teacher told us "if anyone is uncomfortable please come to me" I'm really..I am going to go to you and be like um ya hi..I was abused .. oh wait...I still am...REALLY :P
I have right now a non diet pop and gummy bears (gelitine free!) and you know what I'm eating them, I feel guilty as fudge but I am.
I'm joining GoodLife Fitness so I can take arobics and yoga =D EXCITEMENT
nothing else to interesting going on just crazy school work.
I'm spending the weekend at my dad's so I won't be able to post but I promise I'll post tomorrow :)
I know the picture is completly un related but I like it :)
Love you beauties
Stay strong <3

1 comment:

  1. Have fun at your dads! Really exciting to join a fitness place eh?? And I am so jealous of your snow! All the lovely fluff balls of magic tend to stay up north.
